What Happens When You Decide to be a Lifestyle Entrepreneur?

I have so many rich conversations with influential individuals and sometimes wake up thinking, “Wow, how is this (or that) even possible?” So I did a podcast one time with Mr. Podcast, himself, John Lee Dumas. As I said on the show, John is the founder and host of Entrepreneurs on Fire, one of the earliest and most groundbreaking podcasts on the subject of entrepreneurship.

Decide to be a Lifestyle Entrepreneur

John spent four years in college as a cadet — then did eight years as an officer in the army — including a tour of duty deployment in Iraq as a tank commander in charge of four tanks and 16 men. He returned to the states from Iraq —  but had a challenging time in his life (as we all have the opportunity of doing in our lives), and John was looking for inspiration. So he decided to read something great every day and listen to something inspiring every day — but he couldn’t find a podcast — at that time — there were none.

He calls me JD, and I call him JLD — but anyway — JLD read a quote by Gandhi about being the change you want to see in the world, and he decided to go all in and start a daily show of inspiring interviews.

Be inspired: Watch this Podcast.

What Happens When You Decide to be a Lifestyle Entrepreneur?

As I think and write today about John Lee Dumas, there is a whole bunch of thoughts swirling in my head. As a reader of my column, I want you to grab what you can and support your lifestyle, the lifestyle you choose. YOU be the change you wish to see in the world. What I want is for you to see how John Dumas did it and see if his way can help you find your way.

Many entrepreneurs know they are entrepreneurs but don’t know which way to turn in life to make it all happen.

John Dumas couldn’t figure out how to make it all happen in the beginning, either. Now he lives his dream in a unique way that may help you as you find your way in the entrepreneur world. As John tells about in the podcast, “there are great ways to generate real revenue by adding real value.”

It’s All About the Value You Add for Someone Else

I always think back on the life lessons in these interviews and podcasts. One thing that struck me is that John decided to regularly share all of his profit information with the public. That seems scary to me because the average person in America doesn’t do that, but he tells why in the podcast.

Everyone knows that we all make tons of mistakes and failures in life and business — but failure is part of the process and part of the game. John wants to give you tips to show you how to skip some of the failures along the way through your own entrepreneurship journey — and so do I.

You Are Not Alone

Sometimes it helps to know what others suffer and that you are not alone. For example, John told me about how he suffered for more than six years with PTSD and failed over and over, but he kept reading and watching YouTube trying to help himself.

How to Surround Yourself With the Right People

John couldn’t surround himself in person with the right people — so, at first, he hung out with five of the best people within books and YouTube. These were his peeps until he was in a higher place of recovery. Wow! What a lesson. He still tells himself, “Hey, you’ve been hanging out with so and so who is very successful,” and it’s the person on the podcast, YouTube, or in a book. But today — there are not many who would not pay a great deal to be with the fantastic John Lee Dumas.

Be Intentional

As I mention a lot — be intentional about your life — go out and create what you want. Listen to those who have gone before you — and have figured things out. Don’t invent the wheel over and over. We are here to help you make your best life.

John moved to Puerto Rico, and I’m not going to do that — but John says, “I’m responsible for thousands and thousands of people moving to the islands and keeping the money they make.” Nonetheless, he found a way to make his lifestyle. He chose, and that’s what we all have to do — choose.

Your Peeps Don’t Happen by Accident

I have an investors club and a mastermind group that are a peer group and network — but these people don’t just happen by accident. It’s work. And speaking of work, John decided to sit down for all of 2020 and write — every-single-morning for two hours. Guess what? He did it, and he did not miss a day — what an inspiration.

Inspire Yourself — Write a Book

John’s beautiful commitment in 2020 produced a book, The Common Path to Uncommon Succes: A Roadmap to Financial Freedom and Fulfillment. John wasn’t even planning to write this book — but he wanted to have a positive impact, and he did.

In addition, John told me that if you can’t read his 17-step roadmap and make a success for yourself — it’s NOT that you’ve failed. It means that it is not for you — brilliant. But this will not work for a percentage of the people out there, and that’s okay.

I love the people that I interview for my podcast — and John Lee Dumas is no exception. You’ll love his passion and enthusiasm — it’s contagious, you’ll go nuts over it. What happens when you decide to be a lifestyle entrepreneur — John shares that with you.

Most of all — as I’m writing today — what I want this readership to know is — I want the best for you — keep going — keep trying to surround yourself with the right people. Become a lifestyle entrepreneur by investing in the lifestyle you choose.

And be an investor in your own lifestyle.

Image Credit: Kampus Productions; Pexels; Thank you!


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