Do The Impossible with Jason Drees – EP 144

Interview with Jason Drees

Brian Preston

Do The Impossible with Jason Drees

Many people grapple with limiting beliefs around their potential. They play small. They let fear hold them back from what’s truly possible. Today’s guest, Jason Drees, is an expert who shows entrepreneurs how to shatter those invisible barriers, paving the way for them to 10x their businesses – all by shifting their mindset.

Jason is a performance coach and CEO of Jason Drees Coaching, who’s dedicated his career to helping entrepreneurs and high-net-worth individuals overcome mental obstacles to success. With a track record spanning 23 years and over 10,000 coaching sessions, Jason’s influence has been a consistent beacon of transformation and motivation in the lives of individuals and companies he encounters.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

Why most people fail to hit their goals – and how to get in alignment with your target, take action, and succeed faster than ever!

The BIGGEST reasons people play small – and how to overcome the limiting beliefs holding you back from unlocking your full potential.

How to teach your kids the value of money and empower them with a strong financial mindset.

Featured on This Episode: Jason Drees

✅ What he does: Jason Drees is an entrepreneur, performance coach, husband, and father of four boys based in Austin, Texas. With more than 5,000 hours and 10,000 coaching sessions delivered in his career, Jason has an uncanny ability to rewire the mindsets of those he works with to unlock unprecedented results. Jason’s ever-expanding understanding of the power of mindset continues to push his clients to tap into their full potential and experience extraordinary growth in all areas of their lives.

💬 Words of wisdom: “I realized that my ability to create success had a lot to do with my ability to take action. And a lot of my ability to take action was based on my emotions around taking that action.” – Jason Drees

🔎 Where to find Jason Drees: Instagram | LinkedIn | Facebook | Twitter

Key Takeaways with Jason Drees

  • Becoming Tony Robbins’ number one coach.
  • Even poor coaching can sometimes lead to breakthroughs.
  • Why hard work isn’t the magic formula for success.
  • How your limiting beliefs sabotage your goals.
  • Why your goals could be too small.
  • Ripping off the rear-view mirror and cultivating a bias for action.
  • Raising entrepreneurial kids with an abundance mindset.
  • The surprisingly simple route to a six-figure income.
  • How coaches and mentors help you engineer breakthroughs.

Why Most People FAIL to Hit Their Goals with Jason Drees

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“Success doesn't come from hard work. Success comes from alignment with success, and hard work increases your chances of getting into alignment with success.” – Jason Drees Click To Tweet “If you're hitting the level of the most income you've ever made before, most people have an invisible ceiling there because you cannot outearn your financial mindset.” – Jason Drees Click To Tweet


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Read the Full Transcript with Jason Drees

Justin Donald: What’s up, Jason? So good to have you on the show.


Jason Drees: Excited to be here, Justin.


Justin Donald: Yeah. This is fun because we met at a really kind of like special we’ll call it like fancy high-end dinner that Brandon Turner put on and invited a handful of guests to or flew out this company from Maui to do this unbelievable wood fire cooking of different meats, different like, I’ll even call it exotic meat and just all kinds of fun, you know, sides and experiences outside with this gorgeous landscape with a home that had a pool shaped like a guitar.


Jason Drees: Guitar shape.


Justin Donald: Yeah. So cool. So, it’s good to come full circle.


Jason Drees: Yeah. I remember it was an amazing dinner out there.


Justin Donald: Yeah. So, you and I, we connected pretty well because you were one of the first people I met there that day. And Brandon’s like, “You got to meet Jason. Jason is so awesome. Jason’s my coach. He’s been my coach for years,” and I’m like, “Well, what does the great Brandon Turner need coaching on? I thought you had it all figured out, buddy.” And he’s like, “Oh, no, man. You know, Jason’s been here every step of the way.” So, I thought it’d be fun to bring you on the show and talk a little bit about your path and what you’re doing, and what your unique gifts are because I think they can benefit so many people.


Jason Drees: Yeah. I’m excited to be here and everybody can use a coach, right? So, it’s been fun to watch Brandon I think we’re on five years now of coaching, so.


Justin Donald: Wow. And you’re right, everyone needs a coach. So, one thing that I’ve learned is that I perform better in all areas of my life when I have a coach for an area of my life. And so, I’ve got a coach right now. I generally have a coach every year. Sometimes it’s an entrepreneurial coach, sometimes it’s a marketing coach, sometimes when I wrote my book, I wanted people in my corner that actually knew how to do that and knew how to help me extrapolate information that’s kind of stuck in my head. I think it’s really important to have a fitness coach. So, the list goes on and on but you kind of specialize as a mindset coach. And I’d love to talk about this and how you even got into it in the first place and how you elevated your business and your expertise to the level that you could land big-name clients like Brandon Turner and many others.


Jason Drees: Yeah. Mindset is it’s funny to call myself a mindset coach and actually a leading mindset coach, right? You know, because some of the techniques I’ve discovered are passing Tony Robbins-type content because I actually started as a Tony Robbins coach. That’s how I started. Yeah.


Justin Donald: Yeah. Well, I love Tony. He’s had a tremendous impact in my life. I’ve taken every program and been part of every course he’s ever done from the participant level to the manager coaching level, the leadership team, the whole nine yards. I’ve gone through everything one time as a participant, one time as a leader or coach. And then now I get to go to any of the events that I want to as a senior leader.


Jason Drees: Oh, you’re Senior Leadership Robbins? Okay. Yeah. So, you were definitely in the trenches there.


Justin Donald: Yeah. So, I learned a ton and I feel like I’m just so much further ahead because of having gone through his programs. And I think that’s a great place to start. I think a lot of people would gain a lot of clarity, you know, kind of like just taking action and signing up with someone on their team there or just going to the event, starting in an immersion fashion. But I do think it’s nice to pair immersion with some sort of consistent cadence of coaching and accountability and you kind of take it to another level. And I’d love to delve into that.


Jason Drees: Well, if you want to know how I started, actually, I started my first company in 2006, 2008, and I was making racecar driver cooling suits, actually. We were in the pits at Daytona, put in like trying to cool off drivers and cars that were 140 degrees, you know, back when I knew very little about running businesses and made some silly mistakes. But I hired a Tony Robbins coach in 2010. 2012, went to UPW, went to Date with Destiny. And one day my coach says, “Have you ever thought about becoming a coach?” And it was like I got struck by lightning like literally, my life changed that day. Six months later, I was invited to Tony Robbins coach training program. 2013, I’m on the team. 2014, I was a number one coach halfway through the year, and then I started to kind of evolve the coaching style beyond the Tony Robbins model. Now, I love Tony Robbins, and I wouldn’t be here if it hadn’t been for Tony Robbins. But what I started to realize is that my ability to create success for myself was because I really was trying to create success for my family and at the same time coaching and I realized that my ability to create success had a lot to do with my ability to take action. And a lot of my ability to take action was based on my emotions around taking that action.


And so, I started to realize there’s action I wanted to take and I didn’t take. And when Tony Robbins would use state management tools where you make your move and you shift into a state and for those few moments, you feel great but I found that I kept going back to the other state because results-based coaching, which is the Tony Robbins style, which was how coaching started, is basically focusing on the action and the result. And when there’s resistance to the movement, that coaching style forces action using leverage. What kind of data are you going to be if you don’t do it, right? So, it forces misaligned action. And what I found for myself and most of my clients is we got average results. Certain personality types like high Ds to As, they love that. They soak it up. But a lot of styles, especially women, sometimes Tony is too masculine for a lot of women. And what I started to discover is that when you get in alignment with the target, the strategy becomes automatic and it starts to flow. So, it’s actually progressed over the past like ten years and now what I call is alignment coaching. And so, instead of focusing on like the individual action that you take to get what you want, it actually coaches on the mental operating environment because the strategies that our brain will think of come from that level of thinking we’re operating from. So, instead of kind of going down up, I figured out how to coach at the frequency level or the frame level, which then creates an aligned mindset and an aligned action.


Justin Donald: Oh, that’s really fascinating and it’s interesting because so Brandon gave you the highest endorsement. For those of you that haven’t listened or watched the episode I did with Brandon Turner, go back and check that out or check out his old podcast, BiggerPockets. Check out his new podcast and community, A Better Life. I sit on the board of Better Life and I really just love spending time. So, he and I had a strategy session just yesterday on some pretty cool opportunities and partnerships, but he’s pretty critical of who he hires from like team members to coaches to, you know, he puts people through the ringer like it’s hard to earn his trust. So, I love that you have at least eclipsed that. And I feel so good having you and kind of featuring you to my community because of that. And you and I have had several exchanges now. And I’m also excited because your kids are going to the same school that my daughter goes to, which is a dyslexia-focused and centered school, which is really cool here in Austin called Rawson Saunders. So, shout out to them because they’re doing amazing things but the more I get to know you and the more I learn, the more intrigued I am.


So, you’re saying Tony Robbins is a lot more results-driven, maybe a lot more masculine energy. I know that there’s that big contrast between pain and pleasure, but you’re going to get the best results when you inflict pain. You know there’s a greater leverage on the pain side than there is on the pleasure side meaning like if you do this, you’ll get X reward or result, or if you don’t do this, this is how messed up your life is going to be, right?


Jason Drees: Yeah.


Justin Donald: And so, can you give some more nuance to kind of taking it to a next step, another level? And by the way, just for the record, I think there’s good coaching out there and I think there’s bad coaching. I think there are good coaches and bad coaches, but I think more than anything, there is what it’s not like. It’s not always as clear-cut as good coach, bad coach. I think often it’s what is the best coaching style for you right now in this moment or season of life? And so, I would love to kind of hear how you elevate to a more results-oriented coaching style that isn’t results driven.


Jason Drees: Yeah, that’s a great question and that’s a great clarity on coaching, right? Like, I have four different coaches, right? So, there’s the coach for you at the different time and sometimes coaches play different roles. And even a coach that you can say is a bad coach for you may actually have given you a gift you need it along the way, right, because our journeys always go like this. So, what I’ve discovered, it kind of goes back in 2019 when I was like working hard and grinding and grinding and grinding and nothing was working. And what actually happened is I hit the wall. I like literally didn’t have a contract for six months. I’m like middle of 2019. Finances were stretched. I’m like, “This isn’t working.” I’ve got pushed as a coach for seven years. The dream is over. I got to go get a job. I literally quit. I go tell my wife. I cry. She was relieved that I was going to get a job and then literally referrals start flowing in and I’m like, “What just happened?” I haven’t got a referral in months and I quit. And then four contracts come in the next month. And that’s when I started to understand that success doesn’t come from hard work. Success comes from alignment with success, and hard work increases your chances of getting into alignment with success, right? It’s almost like when we get in the car, we don’t just start driving for 10 minutes and then put in the navigation. We put in the navigation first.


So, most people, when they’re starting their goal, they’re not in alignment with the target. And so, if we actually look at how success happens, let’s look how we hit targets. There are times when we hit targets where you’re on fire and I know, Justin, you’ve had times when you couldn’t do no wrong and it was magical and flow and like, boom, what popped up? And there’s times where you’re maybe a year or two and nothing worked, right? We’ve had those, right? What’s the difference, right? The difference is a flow and this side here doesn’t need accountability. It doesn’t need purpose. It’s a naturally inspired action. This side over here, out of alignment, needs accountability focus because it’s grinding, right? So, I like to operate this way. I don’t like to operate this way. So, what I’ve realized is that when you align people with the target, they will hit it faster because the action you take comes from your mind, right? Now, if your mind is in alignment with the target, it’ll generate an action that works. If your mind is not in alignment, it’ll generate an action that doesn’t work. So, the amount of flow or resistance you feel when you’re focusing on the target is an indicator of alignment.


Are you confident or doubtful? Positive emotion, negative emotion? And in results-based coaching just immediately goes to the action piece. So, what I’ve discovered is that the way we hit the target is we get the mindset into alignment with the target. Because when the mindset is in alignment with a target, it generates a strategy, boom, it’s automatic. It’s like the byproduct, right? So, how do you shift the mindset? Well, the mindset comes from the frequency of you, right? Like, the thought patterns. If you’re in a happy frequency, you’ll have a happy mindset, happy thoughts, happy action. If you’re a sad frequency, you’ll be in a sad mindset, sad thoughts, sad actions. So, what I’ve discovered is living in a little bit from seventh-grade science, right? We live in an attraction-based universe. Atoms are mostly energy, you know? So, whatever we are in alignment with, we will hit. But what happens most times is we’re not in alignment at the frame level because we have some form of doubt. I want to hit that big target but I have doubt that it can occur because I haven’t done it before or I’m scared. So, we end up operating with this frame level that’s about 90% in alignment and 10% out of alignment. And then we’re trying to figure out how to hit the target by finding strategies, by looking at mentors. But mentor strategies don’t always work because they may not be in alignment with you.


So, instead of going from the top down, we shift from a frame and a mindset and action that’s out of alignment into a frame that’s in alignment, which immediately generates an aligned mindset and aligned action. So, people say, “Jason, I want to hire you as a coach. Are you going to do accountability?” I’m like, “No, I don’t do accountability.” They’re like, “What? You’re not accountability?” “No. You only need accountability when you’re out of alignment.” And in fact, I’d say probably 95% of my coaching calls I don’t have a client getting a clear action at the end of the call.


Justin Donald: Interesting. Yeah. That’s different.


Jason Drees: Because when you’re in alignment, you know exactly what to do. So, I have figured out this subtle game of aligning people with what they want, and then the mindset is automatic. So, it’s all a byproduct of alignment instead of forcing the action up.


Justin Donald: You know, it’s interesting. I play two on two sand volleyball every week and often twice a week, and I’ve been playing for years, but one of my friends, Tim Francis, came and joined us and then we were doing just a skills session after we played some two on two. And he’s really good, he played college ball. And he said, “When you are setting, you want to look at the pin and set towards the pin.” Now, I’ve been playing for the longest time. I have never heard this before and he’s like, “You have to aim. You get your body set. You’ve got to turn it. So, it’s in total alignment with the pin. And then you literally push in an upward motion so that the ball goes towards the pin. And then if you miss, you still have a clean shot and you don’t miss in the wrong direction, you don’t push too far that you have no shot.” So, it’s very similar hearing what you’re talking about, where it’s exactly that. It’s square up, get in alignment with the end result because once you do that, you have a lot more autopilot. It’s almost like the byproduct falls inside the range more so than if you’re aiming somewhere else.


Jason Drees: Yeah. And it works so much better. Since I started coaching this way and I wrote my book, Do the Impossible, about this process like my client’s results have just exploded. So, the thing is, it’s like we want to start in alignment. And the other thing that opens most people’s eyes when I say this is that I’m not helping people create success. Like, what? No, no. What I’m doing is I’m removing their resistance to success occurring. So, when I’m going, most of them are in a form of alignment but they have some mental contradiction based on a past reference or a limiting belief or something. So, basically, all the work that we do is we just remove those contradictions and then alignment happens just like that.


Justin Donald: Yeah. And you also said that you don’t like to play small. So, these targets are big targets, right?


Jason Drees: Well, yeah, like if you can, well, we live in an attraction-based universe, right? You’ll hit anything you’re in alignment with, so you may as well aim at something impossible.


Justin Donald: But most people, that’s scary, right? Like, isn’t that your experience? Like, they don’t want to commit to it because they don’t want to fail because then if they fail, they’re not good enough. There’s some form of rejection or like something out there where it’s hard for humans and I find this in myself sometimes, like, I don’t want to think too big, right?


Jason Drees: Well, yeah. There’s a comfort zone. And because your brain is cataloging everything that’s gone into it, every decade you’ve been alive, and its job is to keep you breathing, right? So, there’s this fear mechanism running. So, people may have failed really big before, their dad failed, and it made an impact. So, basically, people are driving their car forward, staring in the rearview mirrors. So, what I do is I rip off the rearview mirrors so you can only look forward and then you start to become open because the reason people don’t play small are just those things. It’s fear. Their partner doesn’t like them. Their friends may not like them. They don’t know what to do. But going from a 1 to 100 versus 1 to 1,000 is just a strategy. It’s just a strategy, right?


Justin Donald: And really, for most people, I mean, I’m going to project here and you can let me know if this is inaccurate but I just feel like most people play small. They’re not playing at their potential. And how on earth can you play at your potential if you don’t have some sort of framework for accountability? It doesn’t actually have to be accountability from a session, but it has to be something with guardrails. Like even for me, like I had a personal training appointment today with my trainer, and like I could do this work out on my own, But I know I show up with more intensity. I know he mixes up some of the muscle movement. When I push it at the end and that last, you know, 5 minutes on the hit routine, I really put a lot more into it. And so, I know that he helps me play at my potential more than if I just show up on my own. And I’m still pretty disciplined like I still show up on my own and I still do it but the intensity is not the same.


Jason Drees: Yeah. That’s a very great distinction, Justin, because like human nature is to seek comfort. And I think most people don’t realize they’re playing at this level but the way I like to describe it is we often will end up defaulting to the level of the problem. So, we won’t solve it until we go to the level of the solution but the real level we want to play at is the level of our full potential. And in market conditions like right now, this year, 2023, and real estate and interest rates, you get people playing defense. They start thinking smaller and then they start to get even worse results because you can’t get to this level of success and then start hitting base sets. You’ve got to play at your level you’re supposed to be at. So, that’s where people kind of get stuck right now.


Justin Donald: Yeah. You know, it’s interesting. I was talking to someone yesterday and they’re like, “I’ve got a really close friend who basically sat on the sidelines since 2015,” I think. Robert Kiyosaki said there’s going to be some huge crash. He was a huge Robert Kiyosaki fan and follower. And so, he’s been sitting on the sideline since, I think 2015, not making a single move, not making a single investment. And by the way, like no judgment in this but that’s a defensive play, right? I’m on defense. I got to see, you know, I’m afraid to maybe make moves or I need more information. And that individual missed out on seven years of some of the most tremendous growth and opportunity and potential that’s out there. And my buddy who I was talking to that I met with at Soho House yesterday, he’s like, “Yeah, my net worth is like close to tripled for sure, doubled, close to tripled in that same time frame because I was playing offense.”.


Jason Drees: Yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s a lot. You can score on defense but it’s much easier to score when you’re on offense.


Justin Donald: Yeah. So, how do you help someone get unstuck? I feel like you probably deal with a lot of people that are stuck in some way, shape, or form. And my experience is like you kind of like have this upward motion, and then at a certain point you plateau for a while and if you’re not careful, you either stay in that plateau or you decline. But hopefully, you can kind of take that plateau and regain and recalculate and figure out the next incline. But a lot of people, I think, they get stuck in the plateau and they get accustomed to like comfort and how do you help them get unstuck?


Jason Drees: They’ve got to set bigger goals. You know, I’ve had a lot of guys who’ve, you know, because I’m a member of GoBundance. I coach a lot of guys who’ve had success and some of them get comfortable but usually, it becomes from setting goals too small. So, there’s three goal-setting questions I use. And my book is called Do the Impossible and the impossible target, what the Impossible really is, it’s really an intuitive target. Because of what I realized from coaching over the past ten years, If I ask somebody, what do they want? They’ll give me an answer that’s based on past reference. Okay? If I ask them what’s possible, they’ll give me a different answer that’s a little bit higher based on external reference. But if I asked them, “What would be impossible for you to do in the next six months but will be a lot of fun to do anyway?” You ask that question, they go silent and then they say this answer that just shocks them to come out of their mouth. And then a few seconds later they get excited because it’s basically this intuitive gut target that’s beyond there that inspires them to start playing at a higher level. So, when people kind of get stagnant, it’s like you got to start going bigger because that’s where the excitement comes from.


Justin Donald: Getting out of your head. Quick thinking, so logical, right? I think a lot of people are good at being logical. Luckily, our kids go to Rawson Saunders. I think they’re going to think a lot more intuitively than logical.


Jason Drees: Yeah.


Justin Donald: It would be a blessing for them and a benefit.


Jason Drees: There is. Well, there’s two different types of goals, right? There’s known goals which you know how to do, and those are typically growing 10% to 20%. Then there’s unknown goals. So, what I teach people is have a known goal but at the same time operate from a mindset where the unknown is going to happen. You just don’t know when so that you’re doing both. You occupy the thinking mind but at the same time, you’re open to those big opportunities. But because most people operate from the point of view that if they don’t know how, it’s not possible.


Justin Donald: Yeah, that’s good. And by the way, this is maybe a fun segue because you were just recently on Brandon Turner’s podcast, you and your wife, on raising kids in an entrepreneurial family. And I would love to hear some of your thoughts there. We’ve got a lot of our listeners and those who watch us on YouTube that they have families there. They’re mothers and fathers, and a lot of them have entrepreneurial kids. Some of them as parents are not entrepreneurs. So, that’s an interesting almost contradiction, right? It’s kind of like when you get the kid… You’ve played sports all your life and then your child doesn’t play any sports. There’s this big like, “Wait a minute, I thought I was going to be coaching my kids in sports.” Or maybe it’s a flip-flop. You played those sports and your kids are incredible and you don’t know how to coach them. So, I could see that but we have a lot of parents that are entrepreneurial that are part, you know, that tune in here as well. But I’d love to hear some of your thoughts around that.


Jason Drees: Yeah. My wife, Alexis, she has a master’s degree in early childhood development and I’ve developed I don’t know how but my path I’ve learned how to align anybody in moments very quickly. That’s my gift is with adults to align them past trauma, income, all that stuff. That’s what I do. And she does a similar thing with kids and with parents as well. And so, I kind of dragged her along this entrepreneur journey over the past like 12 years. And we had six years of challenge and struggle like we were on food assistance at some point during the entrepreneurial phases when it was really tough. And one of my biggest obstacles to becoming an entrepreneur was the financial mindset piece that for me by far was the biggest thing because I grew up with we can’t afford it. I’ve had a job since I was 15 and the summer of my freshman year in high school, my mom emptied out my bank account without telling me.


Justin Donald: Whoa.


Jason Drees: And for the next 20…


Justin Donald: Rough.


Jason Drees: And for the next 18 years, I had a belief that if I save money, it will be taken. And I literally didn’t save a penny for 18 years. So, I’ve been very cautious with how… I’m very open with my journey but one of the things that I in our family that I’ve been really clear about is I didn’t want my children to have any limited thinking about money. So, even times when we were struggling financially, I have never said once out of my mouth, “We can’t afford it.” They’ve never heard that word. So, I’ve been teaching them that money is everywhere and I hear a lot of men in the GoBundance. They’re like, “Do we give our money to our kids?” And I’m like, “The best thing I can do is to create a high financial mindset in them so that I don’t have to pass them anything.” So, I try to share my lessons with them. I share the business. I talk about, “Dad, like, how much does that cost?” I tell them. “How much do you make today?” Because I’m trying to remove the taboo and stuff around money, right? So, from my point of view, it’s a lot about openness about money and the things we do and alignment. It’s okay.


And my wife’s from the point of view of like trying new things and really just she’s probably the one you should interview about this because she kind of holds together all the crazy stuff that I do. But it’s almost like the family goes with you, right? And you kind of have to build your own community because you were going to start to not align with everyone else as you’re an entrepreneur. So, finding entrepreneur families to be around is probably one of the best ways to do that but really also being open because being an entrepreneur is an amazing journey and I believe everybody’s destined to be an entrepreneur. And part of that journey is the personal growth you have to go through to become the entrepreneur, which are some of the best lessons to teach your children anyway. Because I realized if I don’t conquer this limited financial mindset piece, I’m going to pass it down to my children. So, I kind of approach it like, “Which problems am I going to solve so my kids can focus on bigger problems?”


Justin Donald: That’s good. That’s powerful. And by the way, just like peer group is one of the single most important things that we can focus on for us, for our development, for our growth. I think as parents, one of the most important things that we can do is facilitate the peer group that we want influencing our kids because they may not have the wisdom yet to select the right people, but we can help facilitate the people that we think have the right values are maybe, you know, heading in a direction that is something that is in alignment with how we want to raise our kids, what we want them to learn, how we want them to see their, you know, what’s shaping their worldview, right?


Jason Drees: Yeah. And that’s why when seeking out other schools is really good. We were in Acton for a while which is with a more entrepreneurial space. And Austin’s a great place because there are so many entrepreneur families out there. But I think the best way to be an entrepreneur family is to embrace it. You know, it’s a journey. You know, there’s ups, there’s downs, and you can always support the lemonade stands out front too.


Justin Donald: No doubt. So, recently, there’s a new company that’s launching and I’m going to have Scott Donnell on the podcast here really soon but he launched this company called GravyStack, and it is the best thing I have seen that exists for educating kids on money, finance, investing. It is so good. So, I’m going to feature him but that’s something to check out for sure, and what an incredible tool. What an incredible time to be living in where we can actually teach the skill sets of entrepreneurship. We can teach the skill sets of investing and finances. We can teach all this stuff that we didn’t learn. And in fact, it was almost like we were repelled from in many instances by parents with beliefs that were not good for them or for us. I hear so often people with parents that had limiting beliefs around money and kind of being raised in a scarcity mindset around those things, around finances, around what life could or should look like. And I’m a living example of that.


Jason Drees: Yeah. It’s like becoming an entrepreneur, I became the outcast in my family. And that was just the path but it seems so much more common today. And it’s a great time. You know, everybody can work from home. And most people don’t realize how easy it is to start a business, right? You know, because to make a six-figure income, all you got to do is to get ten people a week to give it $250. That’s not that much, right? That’s not that much money. And I think most people just don’t realize it’s possible. And there’s a whole thing about, you know, and the whole employees are just beaten down in the hole. So, it’s creating a strong mindset. A financial mindset requires you to be proactive and you have to go through all of the fears and beliefs that you grew up with that are in contradiction to growth through that. But that’s where mindset coaching makes the big difference because the simplest way to describe what mindset coaching what I do is I upgrade the version of you. And for example, a person can upgrade their mindset from themselves, from their business mindset, from version 1 to 10 over three years. In coaching, you can do it in one year. That’s basically what mindset coaching does.


Justin Donald: New software update. Let’s get to where we need to go and let’s do it and as quick of time as we can. Yeah, I like that. I think that’s great. I think a lot of what you stand for and what you do is amazing. It’s powerful. I think people need coaching in their life. I think that there are different seasons of life where you get stuck and we need to get unstuck but I also think just like the trajectory of the. success or lack of success that I have had over the years on the professional side of things has had a direct relationship with the quality of coaching or lack of coaching that has been in my life. And I just know that there are people way smarter than me in so many areas of life. And if I’m not exposing myself to these ideas, to this mindset, to just a different way of thinking, I’m missing out. And I think that’s important to recognize, like what areas of your life does it really just take a small shift to have a large, long-lasting effect? And who are the experts and world-class at that thing? And then just hire them. That’s the shortcut to success. Instead of making all the mistakes on your own and trial by ear, just hire the people that are world-class, best-in-class at the thing that they do. It costs money but those dollars then go towards shortening the learning curve. It goes towards a proven and tested program and then in time and sometimes it’s very short order, you make that money back and you make a good return on that investment.


Jason Drees: Absolutely right. And I like to think of it as like successful entrepreneurs have common traits on their team like they have mentors. And a mentor is great because they can show you what’s possible and they can also help you with strategies that you may not know how to do. And one thing I see a lot of times, though, is like Brandon Turner, real estate mindset version 50. yourself, Justin, investor mindset… Or 500 right? Brandon’s real estate 500, you’re investor mindset 500. And if you get people at version 10, you’re trying to give them version 500 software, it doesn’t run on the 10. So, strategies don’t always work and that’s where you need a coach. Coach is one of the ways to help run those high-level strategies. Then you need peer group or community. So, those three pieces is really kind of like the massive key to success because you want all of those.


Justin Donald: And I think a lot of people isolate investing into the actual like tangible dollars that go into a tangible company and then you have a tangible return on that investment. And I actually think the best investing that you can do is the investment in your own education and growing your own mindset in growing your peer group, in growing like what you know, the systems that you operate life on and business on. Like, that to me is foundationally the first place anyone and everyone should invest.


Jason Drees: Yeah. Absolutely. And because especially with investing, if you’re hitting the level of the most income you’ve ever made before, most people have an invisible ceiling there because you cannot outearn your financial mindset. You cannot.


Justin Donald: 100%. Jason, this has been awesome. I’d love for people to learn a little bit more about you and be able to connect with you. So, where’s the best place to find you, to find your book, to learn about your coaching program?


Jason Drees: Yeah. You can find me on my website or Instagram at Jason Drees: Coaching. I also do a free Monday Mindset Reset call every Monday at 10 a.m. Central. I do a free 20-minute call to align your mindset for the week. You can go to to sign up.


Justin Donald: I love it. That’s awesome. Well, this has been a really fun episode. I love getting time, you know, learning from people that are world-class at the thing that they do. I think coaching is just so incredibly important for people at every level of life and especially for those that are stuck, especially for those that are at the beginning. But even for me like I feel like there are areas of my life where I am nowhere close to as successful as I want to be. And then there are other areas of life where I feel like I’ve done pretty well and I still need coaching in those areas, right? So, I don’t know that it ever ends. I think that it’s part of the journey that the goalposts move. You want this desired result. Once you get that result, then you can think even bigger. You give yourself permission to dream bigger and then go achieve that next thing that previously you never thought was possible.


Jason Drees: Yeah. Because there’s an infinite number of levels.


Justin Donald: 100%. Yeah. Well, I love asking just my audience one final question as I wrap things up. So, to those of you that are watching this, to those of you that are listening, what is one thing that’s holding you back from financial freedom, from living the life that you desired, that you learned from this episode and hearing Jason speak today that you can implement to conquer that milestone, to achieve what it is that you want out of life? I’d love to hear about it. Email us so we can help support you and I look forward to catching you all next week.

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