Biohacking Your Health: Unlocking Longevity

There’s no doubt that entrepreneurship isn’t for everyone. In addition to managing teams and customers, entrepreneurs face financial pressures and challenges that can be mentally exhausting and overwhelming. That’s why, compared to non-entrepreneurs, 72% of entrepreneurs are directly or indirectly affected by mental health issues.

Furthermore, entrepreneurs exhibited higher rates of the following compared to the general population:

  • Addiction: 12% as compared to 4% and 8.4% (SAMHSA)
  • ADHD: 29% against 5% and 4.4% (NIMH)
  • Bipolar diagnosis: 11% versus 1% and 4.4% (NIMH)
  • Depression: 30% as opposed to 15% and 16.6% (APA)

Additionally, they often suffer from sleep deprivation and high levels of stress. As a consequence, entrepreneurs can suffer from heart disease, which is one of the most serious physical conditions.

However, what if your health didn’t need to be sacrificed to succeed? Better yet, what if you could supercharge your stamina and optimize your health for greater longevity and peak performance?

Doing so would make you a better person for your business, your family, and all other aspects of your life.

Well, it’s possible! To demonstrate this, Regan Archibald will share his expertise regarding health, longevity, and functional medicine.

Regan Archibald’s Journey of Health, Wellness, and Biohacking

In addition to being a successful entrepreneur, Dr. Regen Archibald practices functional medicine, is a licensed acupuncturist, and specializes in peptide research. His award-winning clinic, East West Health Clinic, was founded in 2004. Furthermore, Reagan founded Go Wellness, an educational and training program for some of today’s most innovative doctors.

He also mentors and coaches individuals, and he is passionate about helping them find natural solutions to their pain. As an author of eight books and creator of health independence training programs, he helps individuals achieve their goals.

The most interesting part is that his initial goal was to become a doctor. After being misdiagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease and experiencing limited treatment options through conventional medicine, he sought out alternative therapies. He studied integrative medicine, where he learned to combine Eastern and Western approaches to medicine.

According to Regan, this experience opened his eyes to the limitations of conventional medicine and sparked his passion to learn more about natural longevity and health.

The Power of Biohacking and Self-Experimentation

Known for his passion for health, Dr. Archibald believes “your body is your own laboratory.” The result has been his year-long challenges, like exercising twice a day or walking 25 enjoyable miles a week doing the activities he enjoys, which have enabled him to self-experiment and biohack his way to health optimization.

His 365-day challenge has been a tradition for nearly ten years. During one year, he practiced a daily ice fast. He ponders, “What’s my new challenge?” each May 20th.

As a result of this ritual, he has embarked on various unconventional endeavors, all designed to challenge his physical and mental limits. From a biological standpoint, Regan is amazed at how sustained dedication over a year can produce remarkable results.

The reason for this is that no matter how old he gets, he never wants to give up all the things he enjoys doing, including mountain biking, hiking, skiing, snowboarding, and anything else that makes him feel alive.

Using Exercise to Avoid a Sedentary Lifestyle

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 60–85% of people in developed and developing countries lead sedentary lifestyles.

Who is this a problem? Physically and mentally, sedentary lifestyles are detrimental.

In particular, sedentary lifestyles can damage your health in the following ways:

  • Heart disease: A sedentary lifestyle can double the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Diabetes: Living a sedentary lifestyle doubles the risk of diabetes.
  • Obesity: Sedentary lifestyles can increase obesity risk.
  • Cancer: The risk of cancer increases with sedentary lifestyles.
  • Mental health: Depression and anxiety can be exacerbated by sedentary lifestyles.
  • Cognitive impairment: A sedentary lifestyle can impair cognitive function.
  • Musculoskeletal disorders: Osteoporosis and arthralgia can arise from sedentary lifestyles.

The good news? Regan highlights a study showing that moderate-level exercise at 300 minutes per week or mild-level exercise at 600 minutes per week increases lifespan by 27-31%. In order to make exercise a sustainable habit, he suggests finding activities you enjoy so that you can make it a habit.

The East-West Health Approach

Dr. Archibald has successfully combined Eastern and Western medical practices. As a result, the patient experience can be improved, and patients from all backgrounds can be treated equally. Despite their differences, Eastern and Western medicine strive to improve the quality of life and treat pain. Western medicine, for example, treats the whole person, while Eastern medicine, for example, checks the tongue and eye, which can lead to a more accurate diagnosis.

For Regan, this is his approach.

  • Function-based medicine. Instead of just treating symptoms, East West Health prioritizes functional medicine, a holistic approach that identifies the root causes of health issues.
  • Detailed laboratory testing. In addition to standard tests, Dr. Archibald emphasizes the importance of thorough blood work. In this case, he uses a blood test known as functional blood chemistry. Instead of just looking at average ranges, it considers optimal ranges rather than just average ranges offered by doctors. As a result, he can identify potential health problems earlier and prevent them from occurring.
  • Peptide therapy. As part of its natural healing protocols, East West Health uses peptides – short chains of amino acids.

Peptides as a Tool for Health Optimization

As previously mentioned, peptides are also strongly advocated by Dr. Regan. 

He explains that a peptide is a short chain of amino acids, a building block of protein. Their role is to remind cells how to produce hormones and other substances that may decline with age. In addition, conventional medicine often relies on drugs to treat symptoms, but peptides help the body heal by restoring its natural ability to heal.

Peptides make weight loss, growth hormone production, and blood sugar regulation possible. Unlike synthetic hormones, peptides also boost the body’s ability to produce what it needs, unlike synthetic hormones, which provide a long-term boost.

Advantages of peptides.

  • There are relatively few side effects when used correctly.
  • It can help stabilize blood sugar levels, manage weight, and recover from injuries.
  • Instead of suppressing symptoms, they stimulate the body’s natural healing mechanisms.

Disadvantages of peptides.

  • For some, injections may be a barrier.
  • In order to avoid side effects, dosing and usage need to be monitored carefully.
  • A low-quality peptide or an incomplete amino acid profile may be sold online.

However, peptides are not a miracle cure and should be used with the guidance of a healthcare professional. It is also crucial to monitor progress and side effects through blood tests.

Peptides should also be combined with other healthy lifestyle practices, such as exercise and good nutrition, to achieve the best results.


While conventional medicine has its place, Regan believes there’s much to learn from integrative approaches that combine traditional and natural medicine. As such, he focuses on finding the root cause of health problems and using a combination of methods to address them, including lifestyle changes, peptides, and other natural therapies.

Furthermore, he stresses the importance of tracking health data through regular blood tests. Individuals can monitor their progress and make informed decisions about their health by monitoring their progress and making informed decisions.


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