You are ONE Strategy Away from Predictable Cash Flow and Ultimate Freedom

Discover How the Smartest Investors are Trading the Outdated Money-Making Tactics for a Simple, Proven Framework at an Especially Uncertain Time.

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Growth Mapping: Navigate your financial journey with the Lifestyle Investor Roadmap.

Your Portfolio Assessment: Our team will help you better understand your current structure as it relates to the Lifestyle Investor Framework.

Uncover Your Freedom Formula: Using our calculations, you will leave with your unique path and Lifestyle Investor - approved options to help you achieve your goals.

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Whether you’re hosting a podcast, virtual conference or live keynote… I’d love to show up and empower your audience with ideas for achieving passive wealth creation and living a much richer, more fulfilling life.


Invite Me To Speak

Whether you’re hosting a podcast, virtual conference or live keynote… I’d love to show up and empower your audience with ideas for achieving passive wealth creation and living a much richer, more fulfilling life.

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Hi, I’m Justin Donald!

I’m the author of the WSJ #1 Best Seller, The Lifestyle Investor: The 10 Commandments of Cash Flow Investing for Passive Income and Financial Freedom.

I’m best known for helping entrepreneurs around the world achieve financial independence through investment strategies that produce additional income streams and long-term equity.

In the span of 21 months, and before my 37th birthday, my investments drove enough passive income for both my wife, Jennifer, and I to leave our jobs.

Following my simple investment system, I have negotiated deals with over 100 companies, multiplied my net worth to over eight figures, and maintained a family-centric lifestyle in less than 2 years. Then, just 2 years later, I doubled my net worth again.